Public Notice
HCV Waitlist Application Status
November 26, 2018
All individuals that were chosen through the Section 8 lottery have been notified via the e-mail address they have provided. Those who did not receive an e-mail from The Housing Authority of Elgin by November 12, 2018 were not selected to be placed on the waitlist and will need to re-apply when the waitlist re-opens.
We would like to thank all who have applied and we appreciate your cooperation.
How can I find my profile
Is there an email sent out if you were not picked?
How do I find out if I’m on the waitlist? I am permanently disabled on SSI. My rent was raised. I have lived here for 11 years and my landlord is willing to work with you. Thank you.
Please notify me when the wait list reopens. I am very interested. Mchenry Housing Authority said I could also apply through Elgin Housing Authority.