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Public Notice is hereby given that the Housing Authority of Elgin (HAE) will update its utility allowance schedule for all Public Housing developments and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) properties.

Attached to this Public Notice are the specific utility allowance schedules for each development and unit type proposed to be in effect as of January 1, 2025, Residents residing in Affordable Housing developments and HCV units with resident-paid utilities and residents pay the cost of designated utilities directly to the utilities’ suppliers. In accordance with the regulation, Title 24 Part 965.502 the HAE established monthly allowances that reflect a reasonable consumption of utilities consistent with the requirements of a safe, sanitary, and healthful living environment for the specific size and type of unit occupied by an energy- conscious household. A resident’s Total Tenant Payment (TTP) is reduced by the applicable unit’s allowance. When a resident’s TTP is less than the utility allowance, the HAE makes a monthly utility reimbursement to the resident equal to the difference between the TTP and the utility allowance.

The HAE maintains a record that documents the basis on which allowances are established and revised at the administrative office.

All Public Housing residents and HCV clients of the HAE have an opportunity to submit written comments no later than December 23, 2024, to:

The Housing Authority of Elgin

Attention: Amanda Warpinski

130 South State Street

Elgin, IL 60123

Fax: 847-608-4407

Date of Publication:

November 22, 2024


